Update on the Referral Contest

Hey all,

I am disappointed to say that in three weeks, I have gotten zero responses to the referral form. As such, we have decided to close the contest early. That way, SP3D can use the spot to instead give two prizes in the character design contest on the F.U.T.A Discord.

It is not all doom and gloom though! There is good news to be had. The Patreon is growing. Thirteen people have pledged this month and we are really close to the $500 goal for Patriana's growth as well thanks to each and everyone of you. Steady growth might not look as flashy as sudden gains, but much like the gains one sees while working out, a consistent routine bears more fruit than bursts of activity.

So while bummed out, I think I speak for the team when I say we appreciate each of you who are supporting us and I look forward to getting to post 1.13 which will enable movement and hopefully give you all a real taste of what we are working on.

If you have any questions about this, please feel free to reach out to me.

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